As many of you who follow me know, my mother passed away this last March, after a 6 year battle against cancer. For el Dia de los Muertos, my youngest…
his Halloween, it wasn’t only Latinas channeling their inner diva by dressing up as the one and only Reina of Tejano music, Selena Quintanilla. While the first two celebrities…
If you’re Latino, you’ve likely heard of La Llorona. And if you haven’t, please let us be the first to introduce you to the legendary woman, who for centuries has instilled…
For centuries, our community has preserved the tale of La Llorona though oral storytelling. And yet, to date, little effort has been made to formally investigate sightings or incidents. This, however, is…
Day of the Dead altars typically have photos of the deceased, flowers, candles, food, sweets, incense, and fruit. More traditional altars will include Pan de Muerto and marigolds (cempasúchitl). Conducting some research, we…
La Calavera Catrina: Her origins and who she is today La Calavera Catrina is a quintessential Mexican icon. Her image can be found on just about everything now days, from…