Lo Que La Vida Me Robó: Spanglish Girl’s Recap & Review February 10-14

I’d like to start by apologizing for the lack of blog posts in the previous weeks. Unfortunately, Montserrat and I are living somewhat parallel lives—minus the ex who came to steal me away… Regardless, I am currently dealing with my own heart ache.

So this week, Alejandro learns of Jose Luis’s new fortune and good luck. Of course, as always, Alejandro assumes the worst of Montserrat. He believes Jose Luis and Montserrat are conning Angelica to ensure their own future: this, of course, is not true, but Alejandro refuses to believe differently.

Jose Luis also learns about Alejandro and Montserrat’s separation. He becomes upset and Angelica realizes he has been communicating with Montserrat. I have to say that Angelica is truly an angle! Although she finally shows an ounce of jealousy, she keeps her cool and accepts Jose Luis’s feelings for Montserrat: specifically that he doesn’t have to wait for her to die to “listen to his heart.”

s current status as a single and abandoned mother. Angelica visits Montserrat and asks her if she and Jose Luis can serve as godparents to the baby. I know! I think Angelica is too nice for her own good.

I could never be godmother to my husband’s ex love—it’s just too much! Only a saint like Angelica can do it: we’ll see if it actually happens. Of course, Graciela would love it: she is already plotting for the inheritance and support that Jose Luis and Angelica can provide them on behalf of the baby.

Also this week, Rosario finally reveals to Alejandro that she is his mother. The scene was intense, almost like a Shakespearian death scene—or at least that is what came to mind while I watched: the music, the tears, and the dramatics! It was beautiful.

I can’t wait to see how Maria reacts. After all, Maria has been cruel to Rosario and she is sure to be surprised when she learns Rosario is la suegra! I can’t wait: I’m sure this will be the highlight of next week. But this was not the only news revealed this week, Dimitrio also finds out that Graciela had an affair with Benjamin and that he is likely his son!

I was surprised to not see joy from Dimitrio. After all, he has never been a righteous one, and this new revelation, I’m sure, will lead to him challenging Alejandro for their father’s inheritance. I was actually quite shocked that we didn’t see $$$ appear in Dimitrio’s eyes when he found out. Now, what about Carlota slapping Graciela… it was long overdue: serves her right for cheating on Lauro.

And last but not least—Alexandro and Jose Luis’s duel. I have to say that I was surprised Alejandro “won.” Jose Luis is the cop! Yet, he ended up in the hospital. And how about those shirts being ripped off  and the rolling in the sand… I just hope Jose Luis doesn’t die. That would be a sad ending for him. I’m expecting Angelica to be saved by a miracle and for her and Jose Luis to live happily ever after—as well as Alejandro and Montserrat.

So much of the novela has been revealed, so now the only thing left is for Alejandro to win Montserrat back (he finally realizes how wrong he was!)—which I’m sure he will and for him to kick Maria to the curb. I don’t know why but I find myself feeling sorry for Maria. Weird I know!

Well my fellow novela lovers, I plan to blog weekly from here on. As for my personal life, well, let’s just say I could write a novela of my own…but I’ll leave that for another blog when I’m ready to share.

See you next week!

Spanglish Girl

Ps. I almost forgot to mention Adolfo’s new interest in Josefina—I love it! Dimitrio could use a little competition and that it’s Adolfo trying to steal his wifey makes it all the more intriguing.

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