Lo Que La Vida Me Robó: Spanglish Girl’s Recap & Review March 3-7

Just when I thought all of Graciela’s secrets were out, we find out there’s more: she had a daughter not a son, and Benjamin seems to have had a heart after all. He took care of his daughter financially and kept in contact with her on and off—interesting. Could it be she was symbolic of the love he had for Graciela? I find it hard to believe that anyone could ever love Graciela—she’s so mean!

But it seems that Benjamin wanted to spare his daughter’s life and so, he sent her to the U.S. to live with his sister. Now she’s back and she wants her share of his fortune (the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree—like mother like daughter). Alejandro can’t catch a break: more money more problems.

Another dramatic moment this week was when Alejandro was arrested by Jose Luis. I can’t believe Montserrat slapped him! I thought for sure he was going to tell her off, but no, he stayed his cool, calm and collected self—as usual.

I can’t forget to mention that I really like Montserrat’s baptism dress.

Ok, back to the drama: can you believe Pedro is getting away with all of this! He makes me want to jump into my TV and warn Alejandro that he is being blackmailed by Joaquín Arechiga and Pedro. I get the feeling that Joaquín isn’t going to stay silent for long. I believe that if one of his daughters is hurt (which Pedro is already plotting) he is going to lose it and come clean.

And how can El Capitan Robledo be so trusting of Pedro? Jose Luis is already onto him, but El Capitan is being naïve—we’ll have to see what happens. The good thing is that most novelas end happily ever after like a Disney movie, so we can assume that things will end justly.

Last, but not least is Josefina and Dimitrio—I think they’re finally a “couple.” Dimitrio clearly cares for her, so much so that he is willing to stick up for her against his mother and get a job!

Until next week—adios,

Spanglish Girl

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